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Is Corornavirus a Bio-weapon?

People who are at higher risk for severe illness | CDC

As hundreds of thousands of people all around the globe infected from the new COVID-19, there has been a lot of whispering about the intentional involvement of china in the spread of this disease. Currently USA is leading with over 140,000 cases followed by Italy and china. The virus was spread from a city called Wuhan in china in 10 January. While all the major cities of the world under a lock-down, a question sparks in everyone's mind: Could this be a bio weapon of china to dominate the whole word?

How Doctors Are Treating Patients With Coronavirus Disease : Goats ...

Many of you might think it is not possible as china itself is one of the worst affected countries. But today, china has successfully contained the virus and the country is returning to normalcy while the whole world battling the coronavirus. The reason why china is under suspicion is not because it was successfully able to contain the virus, but other factors which are discussed below:

When Spain understood that things have gone out of control, they brought Chinese help and purchased coronavirus testing kit from china which later proved to be only 30% correct. With such a low accuracy of the testing kit, how was china able to control its own outbreak? Did china gave faulty testing kits on purpose? It is a very important question to ask in such a situation where the global economy is sinking, that, is china really the culprit or it is all a coincidence.

China was always in a race with USA to dominate the world in terms of military and economy. Now that USA is busy fighting the virus, it is in a very vulnerable position and china can easily takeover the USA. This might be too cruel to believe in, but is just one of other possibilities.

China: The supply chain is still broken | Article | ING Think

Now china is releasing its lock down and getting back on track, with almost no new cases of the virus. Tourist spots are open for domestic visits, Industries are starting their operations again. All this while the rest of the world is busy fighting the "Chinese virus".

Should china be blamed for all this global pandemic? Based on the facts and figures, There is really something weird how only china has been able to contain the virus while the  countries with worlds most advanced healthcare still fail to stop the spread.
Is Corornavirus a Bio-weapon? Is Corornavirus a Bio-weapon? Reviewed by Pradesh Gurung on March 29, 2020 Rating: 5

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