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Automobiles Boon or a Bane

Automobiles are one of the main transportation modes. They certainly have made our lives a lot easier. We can travel long distances on our cars, transport goods on trucks, or even enjoy a luxury supercar. If we think for a moment, we will realize that automobiles have become a part of our lifestyles. But have automobiles improved modern life? well yes, automobiles have brought a revolution in the history of the human race. We cannot imagine a world without these machines around us. Humans have expanded to every part o the world and to commute from one place to another, we need them. Without these automobiles, we would've been walking miles on our foot. Certainly, everything has a god side and then a bad side. Automobiles are not all in for good. They are one of the top reasons for global warming. The harmful gases that are released into the atmosphere are leading to environmental problems that need to be addressed. Automobiles are the top consumer of fossil fuels like petrol, diesel, kerosene oils, leading to depletion of these Non-renewable resources. Thankfully we have already started to move towards electrifying the automobiles. This will prevent environmental issues and make sure the world is sustainable again. 

Automobiles have played such huge roles in the civilization of modern society, but always get overlooked and taken for granted. If we can completely electrify and make the automobiles 100 percent green, then it will be a huge advantage and bring a revolution in the automobile industry itself. Some people might say it makes us lazy but the truth is, it all depends on how we entertain these facilities available to us. Nothing can be positive if we use it in a negative way.

AUTOMOBILES BOON OR BANE AUTOMOBILES BOON OR BANE Reviewed by Pradesh Gurung on August 27, 2019 Rating: 5

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